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Robert Scherer's NC-51 Page

NC-51 to NC-53




NC-51 Photographs

NC-51 Taking off from the Shuttle Landing Facility at Kennedy Space Center

February 2006 - Global flyer Chase (photo by Ron Feile)

Starship - lf with open door.jpg (5303 bytes)
Starship - lr quarter.jpg (5793 bytes) Starship - Flight Deck.jpg (6783 bytes) Starship - Interior looking fwd.jpg (4102 bytes)
Sm SS front outside.jpg (4276 bytes) Sm SS rear outside far.jpg (4384 bytes) Sm SS rear outside.jpg (5152 bytes)
Sm SS rr qtr outside.jpg (4710 bytes) Sm SS rf qtr outside.jpg (4843 bytes) Starship - rr Quarter close outside.jpg (5388 bytes)

SUS Taxi Rr View Sm.jpg (6157 bytes)

SUS 5/98

FTY landing 5-11-99 01 Sm.jpg (6688 bytes)

Landing FTY 5/99

FTY landing 5-11-99 02 Sm.jpg (6903 bytes)

Mains down at FTY 5/99

Belly at SNA 6/99

Right Underside

Over the Top


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